Blackartprojects presents Robert Fielding

Nganampa Tjukurpa

4 – 14 May 2023

Our gallery hours have been extended for this exhibition. New hours are Wed–Fri 11am–4pm; Sat–Sun 12pm–5pm.

Presented by Blackartprojects; An exhibition of new paintings by Robert Fielding titled Nganampa Tjukurpa. 

Robert is a Yankunytjatjara/Arrenda artist based in Mimili on the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Lands (APY Lands). 

“At the core of my culture is its ability to change and shift. This ability has made us into the longest continuous culture on this earth. Following the principle of ngapartji-ngapartji, reciprocity in all areas of our culture and life, we continue to respond to the shifts happening in the world and find our place, our duty within it all.

Whilst there are many challenges to overcome, we continue to receive our strengths from our culture: Nganampa Tjukurpa.
My artwork speaks to our ongoing duty to take up our end of this reciprocal relationship: Our culture gives us strengths, and we nourish it in turn. We hold it strong, remember it, teach our children, remain open to change because we know that our Tjukurpa will continue to flow through everything we do.
We may choose to share our storylines in different ways. But it is always the sacredness of country that drives us, the sacredness of Tjukurpa, of our culture, that keeps our storylines animated and brings our art alive. 
My works are a loud reminder: Our culture is sacred, and we have to hold it strong through our leadership and our art.”

Exhibition catalogue is available via Blackartprojects website

More of Robert’s work in collaboration with Blackartprojects can be found here.

Images courtesy of Blackartprojects


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