Jaz Mishap & Spencer Rose

For the time Being

22 September – 1 October 2023

For the time Being is an avant-garde fully immersive exhibition of live digital particle simulation by Spencer Rose merging and interacting with grand scale paintings and designs by Jaz Mishap. A journey exploring the transient state of now, and the weight of inevitable change.

The generative forms illustrated are the result of the attractive and repulsive forces between objects at mass scale. Simple rules create emergent complexity given enough scale and tuning. For the time being serves as an attempt to harness the chaos of nature without crushing its autonomy. No moment can ever be repeated.

Spencer Rose, inspired by the simplicity of cellular automata, crafts immersive digital environments that invite quiet reflection. Drawing from an extensive background in game technology, his recent explorations in digital simulations blur the line between physics and art.

With a lifetime dedicated to creative pursuits, Jaz Mishap brings a broad range of experience from public art, mural painting, and interior design. This varied background allows her to explore the interplay of art, light, and space with an experimental approach to both digital and tactile collaboration in unexpected ways.

Images courtesy of Jaz Mishap & Spencer Rose


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